
by | Aug 11, 2020 | 0 comments

  In 2016, before the presidential election, in fact, two days prior to that vote, I had mused with my young friend that Donald Trump could win. Surprisingly, he agreed with me and added that he felt that the “Rig” was on. I asked him why, and he said that he had been canvassing the internet and listening to “talks”, incidentally, the same sources that led me to the prediction that I kept to myself. I was very sad before the election results. I felt this unexplained stress in the pit of my stomach. I was afraid of the inevitable, after which I was in a daze for weeks after the results. In fact, I am still very concerned for the integrity of our wonderful nation (America) because Donald Trump had won the presidency of the United States.

            Right now, there is much in the news, (and it is not fake news), to believe that the “rig” has been on from day one. The painful thing is that there is presidential power to back it up. If all the democratic factions would embrace a single mindedness to defeating Donald Trump and all his self-serving enablers, the 2020  outcome would be different from that of 2016. We can reclaim America from the clutches of dictators and “wannabe” authoritarians.

           Now, at the inception of the 2020 campaign, I had this assessment that the Democratic ticket could be either Biden/ Harris, or Harris/Bennett. The latter, obviously, is not the case; but the former is still alive. Biden has a problem, but it is a great one – trying to choose a vice presidential candidate from a rich crop of smart and hardworking women. Uncle Joe, you can’t fail, you know what’s right, that you’ll do!

             I’d vote for Elizabeth Warren for Treasury Secretary in a Biden/Harris administration. Neal Katyal is a great idea for AG or Supreme Court Justice. If Kamala Harris does not make the ticket as your VP, I believe she will be great as AG or Supreme Court justice, if she would accept the honor. She may just opt to continue in the senate.

             I am not a predictor, let alone a self-styled prophet. I just evaluate issues and situations. The above are just the way I see things.

               Good luck sir, and God bless you.



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