About Douz Writer

My Story

The author has been writing from a very young age, through elementary, high school, college and beyond. He has edited school and private papers, even at the doctoral level. One of his professors in college called him a “word smith” because of his unique style of writing.  He has been a favorite of his professors of English composition, grammar and critical writing at every level of academic endeavour.

       The writer has gone through the so called “university of hard knocks” in his life experiences. He is very much in tune with current affairs. He is a creature of conscience. He subscribes to fairness, and equal justice. Morally and spiritually, he is conservative. He is quite a liberal in the vein of kindness to others and respectful of their environments, even where he disagrees.

       He loves people. He loves to read and keep abreast of current issues, be it religious, socio-political, academic or public health. His interests are quite varied. They bring to bear on his general outlook in life.

My Column

Blog page

Current but not casual.

question mark, question, science

grammar watch

Correct usage is important.

question mark, question, science

Think it through

A little bit of thinking goes a long way, evaluate, comment & share!

brown book page


Just a closer walk with God everyday could brighten your future.

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